Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Two things run rampant this time of year: nostalgia and resolution making.

I don't really want to dwell on 2013 and the nostalgia factor. It was a year that knocked the breath from my lungs more often than not. Its predecessor hadn't been a very good year, either. But I will say this about 2013: I survived. And some days, those two words are all that matter.

Traditionally, we look back on the past 365 days and celebrate our successes, mourn our losses, and gather from the experiences an idea for a new course of action - a resolution.

But if we're really honest with ourselves, how long do these New Year Resolutions last? Some people find success, of course, but there's enough jokes about failed attempts out there to show that failure is not only possible but often expected as the outcome. Personally, I rarely make a resolution. Mostly because I know myself pretty well and the typical resolutions of "eat healthier" and "exercise more" aren't something that I'd stick to just because I decided to start the new year right. If I was really committed to the idea, I could have started anytime.

A resolution shouldn't be a half-hearted sentiment dredged up because it's tradition to pick something you will inevitably forsake. The word resolution is a strong one, and its definition includes determination. The people who succeed at their resolutions have it. Maybe they were going to do it anyway. The New Year was just convenient. So this brings me to the idea that's been rattling around in my brain. Don't set a typical resolution. These things we choose to try in the New Year are meant to help us be a better person, a better version of ourselves. So pick something that matters and will fill you with determination. Here's a few examples:

Stop using lazy phrases and pop culture trash words. Stop calling everything "amazing" or "awesome" because everything can't be "amazing" or "awesome". Think about what you say before you say it and allow yourself to articulate what you mean. Learn new words. Maybe even conquer the difference between it's and its.

Don't believe everything you see on the internet. Just because someone posts something on Facebook doesn't make it real. Ditto for newscasts. Take time to look into something before you get swept up in the group think. Forge your own (informed) opinion. And while you're at it, take time to learn something new. Brush up on some history, study art, make art. Be seekers of truth.

I always marvel at people who say they don't have time. They have plenty of time. They've just filled it with stuff. Make an effort to fill your time with stuff that matters. Give your time to people less fortunate or to a cause that is a passion. Most non-profits have volunteer opportunities, from homeless shelters to hospitals. Think about joining a social/charitable/volunteer organization. De-emphasize yourself for a while. It really does change you.

Make goals and surround yourself with people who will support you in the pursuit of these goals. Negative people divide and destroy good things. They may not realize they are negative and they may not realize how harmful they are, but they do more harm than good. These people may have been friends, they may have been in opposition to you. Do your best to guard your heart from them.

I haven't decided on my own goals yet for 2014. I will say that the main goals I wrote down a couple of years ago (when challenged to have goals) have mostly been met. I've also had to deal with some very scary things, emotional upheaval and a lot of uncertainty. But the year is still quite new, and with it some exciting new challenges are coming my way. New job, new experience with the Jaycees, and trying to get The Novel polished. So I figure those things will keep me busy for a while. Just remember, friends, whatever you choose to do translates into who you will be.

It's in every one of us to be wise
Find your heart
And open up both your eyes
We can all know every thing
Without ever knowing why
It's in every one of us by and by